April 11, 2023, 6:00PM

Gana Sita Board of Directors Meeting Minutes (Zoom)

Glenn Ullmann called meeting to order

Secretary Called Roll:

Glenn Ullmann-P
Bette Crowder-P
John Murphy-P 

Alex Ingols - P 

Greg Ferrin-P 

Jamie Moran-P
Ellen Kahn-P

Bette Crowder moved to approve the March 14, 2023 Board Meeting minutes. Jamie Moran seconded it. Unanimously approved.

Finance Committee Report-Bette

End of March General Checking Account: $28,143.65, and except for unpaid assessments that is all of the money we will get in for this year. Phone call with Mason said check in the mail. As of April 2nd, all unpaid assessments were sent notices. 

After discussion of how to divide money into Money Market accounts, it was decided to have two Infrastructure Money Market accounts (as of March 31st totaling $ 31, 850.71) earning interest at Wells Fargo. Marvetta will split into two separate infrastructure accounts. 

$10,000.00 Into General Maintenance and Road Reserve
$ 21,850.00. Into. Water Reserve

Environmental Inc. will be paid from this water account, to keep water costs organized. Money already budgeted for their monthly bill will be moved into that account from General Checking account. Bills come to Bette for approval, and she will mark water (and account number) and instruct Marvetta to take the money from water account.
Alex was asked and agreed to be a bank signee here in town.

Bette asked about fees ($737/quarterly) from Tim Pressley. Alex will check on that. Also, she asked Alex to check into the tree that fell onto road, as CCM has asked about that.

Also, Bette brought up the monthly meeting May 8th, at 5:00PM, of Collaborating POA's in the Cashiers area. We can share similar problems in associations. Bette will go and report. Glenn is interested in best practices around regarding assessments in other associations of similar sizes to us.

Governance Committee- John

Studying fees for renovation and new homes. We need to differentiate between huge renovations, pulling permits, material deliveries, dumpsters, cement trucks, number of truck axles, etc.   More discussion on this in the future.
Glenn suggested a discussion at the Annual Meeting with all the neighborhood, making a motion then, but framing it in advance. There is no rush—when everyone has had their say and we get it to the right place, then we can put it to a vote.
Impact fee should separate water and roads since we may be going there.
Get any comments to Jamie.

By-Laws & Covenants
Committee has been comparing 2017 and 2022 proposed By-Laws (and some 2008) as a starting point. Have wrapped up comments for it, and will be getting those out to the full Board. Additional topics such as staggered terms of Board, to not fully change every year. Greg added it will wipe every six years. Also, discussion impact fees if deciding to drill one's own well. We will be talking to other members.

Bette reminded us that when meeting with Cannon before, he mentioned researching Appellate Court for debates there for rulings on water rights. We need to know those answers. Alex also reminded us that Cannon will be just another opinion. We must decide and move forward, and decision must be defensible.

Infrastructure Committee-Alex

Alex and Glenn did a "ride along" with Travis (Environmental Inc) to understand our water system. They met with Lewis Stiwinter with whom we share the well (leased in perpetuity) -- he owns the land. He is adding a house, has talked with a lawyer. He's being advised that we need a separate meter to quantify how much we are using. He saw it drilled in 1966, and testing 15 years ago showed good water on a public document. We have cut-off valves that don't work, 3 are critical, (of 15 in total). Replacing them would make for quicker and cheaper fixes. In general, the water system is pretty good. We will follow up with Travis. Alex thinks our tank holds one-plus days’ worth of water in our tank if neighborhood is full. Discussion of need for Environmental Inc. to keep extra pumps---didn't seem feasible as deteriorates on the shelf, but they do usually have extras. They think they are always
Video of water tour is on our website.

Secretary Report on Ballots- Ellen

6 votes are in--only 3 of the Board members. Ellen will call members if needed, and will get with CCM to tally.

New Business

Socials--John and Corinne will give Bette a late May date, hopefully.
Lisa and Glenn--Sunday July 2nd. 5-6:30
Bette will discuss food contributions.

Regarding developments, Jamie asked if she should include lower Monte Vista homeowners in Thursday's Zoom meeting with Rybert and Lupas, and if she should include all or just have one representative. It was noted Sam Lupas announced it to all in the Zoom meeting recently.... It was decided that Jamie would monitor "Chat", and Glenn will speak to the questions. Bette is concerned with the employee rental housing, traffic, and sewer location.

It appears Ross Hotel will run the hotel and cabins, not like the Kessler hotel. Will another company develop and sell? Need definitions for "Phases". How long? Financing? Private investors? We don't want it partially completed and left with only employee housing. We need to build a better argument.
Send questions to Alex. Glenn will send the questions he's already gathered.

At the last meeting the biggest concern was High Density.

ULI Report is on the Chamber website.
Growth by Design not by Default is the idea.
We need to create a long-term conservative plan to permanently protect history and nature of Cashiers.
We tabled choosing a date for the next meeting, as there were conflicts. We will try in May, but maybe push to June.

Motion was made to adjourn by Jamie, and Glen seconded it. All in favor--meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by Ellen Kahn, Secretary