30 January 2023

To: Gana Sita Property Owners

Subject: New Board Introduction and items of interest

Dear All,

Your new Board had its first meeting on Sunday, 22 January, to elect officers and begin the transition from the prior team. The new officers are as follows:

Vice President, Alex Ingols; Treasurer, Bette Crowder; Secretary, Ellen Kahn.

We started several committees and would encourage you to contact the appropriate Chair to volunteer to participate:

As you know, Lisa and I were unable to attend the annual Zoom meeting several weeks ago. However, we did watch the entire recording and appreciate the work of the previous Board as well as the interaction/discussion on the various issues brought forth. We all know what a special community we have—perched right above the crossroads—quiet, private, friendly, and yet within an easy walk (down that is) to the center of Cashiers. To preserve this lifestyle and of course our property values, we need your help. If you have expertise that would help any of the committees, please let me or any of the other board members know. We want input so we can build consensus around our perennial issues: Sense of Community, water, funding and governance (read the President’s letter from 1984 for a start—the decades have progressed but the concerns haven’t changed).

I am so excited by the experience as well as new faces on the board. To help foster communication, we are going to build on the incredible effort that Jamie Moran put into launching our website. The goal is to get every document loaded onto the website. Jamie has already loaded everything she has in her possession but if you have additional documents, please coordinate with Jamie to get them on the website as well.

All of the Board meeting notes will be posted within a week of the meeting and we will let you know in advance when we are next meeting so you can get us your thoughts ahead of time (Next meeting is February 19th at 1pm).

Governance: The ballots for the adoption of new bylaws and covenants were counted, Thursday (26th). The adoption failed with 49% in favor and 51% opposed. This was a heavy lift with lots of moving parts.  

We intend to continue to build on that foundation, answer all property owner concerns with attorney Bill Cannon’s help, and earn the super-majority approval required. This will be a back and forth with all property owners and we hope you will not be shy in bringing forth thoughts and ideas. 

My phone number is 904-612-6259, email gullmann@ullmannwealthpartners.com and feel free to stop by at 60 Watch Hill Lane (the new deck needs to be broken in with good wine and conversation).


Glenn Ullmann
