Sunday, February 19, 2023

Gana Sita Board of Directors Meeting

Zoom call. 1:00 PM

Roll Call:

Glenn Ullmann-P

Alex Ingols-P

Bette Crowder-P

John Murphy-P

Greg Ferrin-P

Jamie Moran-P

Ellen Kahn-P

Quorum achieved

Jamie Moran moved to adopt the January Board Meeting Minutes as written. Seconded by Bette Crowder. Passed unanimously.

Glenn wanted updates regarding the Stiwinter's, legal assessments, governance, and community get together.

Financial Report

Treasurers Report click HERE

Bette Crowder, treasurer, presented.

Discussion began regarding the amount of billings. She will get with Marvetta. Jamie said we should be invoicing Yvonne.

Bette's Report Attached

Bette also added that we needed to develop a hardship payment plan.

Both Alex and Ellen agreed to get details from both Environmental Inc. and Cedar Creek Management.

John asked Bette if since we are short this year, will the funds coming from recent billing cover that. She responded that we should be OK if everybody pays, but note that there are NO monies for Legal for Documents.

Glenn added that the neighborhood should know that we'd love to get the Documents done, but there is no money for that, and that we will get to it when we can afford to do it. Bette said another communication is needed that we are working to stay in budget. Glenn will try to do that.

Glenn also asked for there to be a process developed to move money for the Board to approve, as Bette brought that issue up.

Infrastructure Report

Alex Ingols has spoken with several paving companies, but will put his efforts into our water situation. Alex mentioned the Kessler (was Srebalus house) remodel was affecting the road, and asked if we have any rights there. Jamie will send the "neighbor's" deeds and possible fees, and will get them to Alex.

Governance Report

Glenn reiterated Bill Cannon's legal opinion that the association has the right to take water, but no obligation to provide water. He said Goss and English (former lawyers for us) had similar opinions, and that it was best to be out of the water business. Jamie reminded that Cannon said it was best to separate water from the Covenants and By-Laws, only having separate "group agreements" so that the POA would be only for the common areas. Jamie asked if we could have a template for water also, and to include the Stiwinters in the agreement.

As Bill Cannon is very sick and not in the office, John Murphy will be in contact with his assistant Shelley (Shelly/Shelby?) to get the documents Bill was to send to us, and get information. The template can be used on our own to create something we can share with the board fairly soon. Greg Ferrin suggested we put as little as possible on Bill's plate because of our money issue. John will get the email address for Cannon’s office. Intention will be to not get too deeply involved. Glenn and John will talk offline if there is a charge for John to call Cannon.

Additional Finance Discussion

Also regarding Bill Cannon, Bette reminded us that we needed to pay a bill of $827.49 to Bill's office by the end of the month. It was incurred in late '22 and early '23, not by this board. Glenn said to pay and enter in the notes. Bette moved that we should pay it, Jamie seconded it, and the motion passed unanimously.

It was noted that $12,000 was to cover the document project, but that amount has been spent. It was questioned whether the $2,172 to file lien was a legal expense, or included in document expense. Whichever, Bette said we can't afford to attach liens now. We should make every effort (personal calls, etc) to collect the monies and avoid filing.

Glenn restated Cannon's estoppel comment that just because they weren't billed didn't mean they shouldn't pay.

Next Vote for Directors

Discussion commenced that our By-Laws require the vote for officers to be at the annual meeting. Suggestion was to start the ballot process in April (to give time to approve), with a communication to the association to vote in July to continue with the board as slated until 2024, or start the process again if not accepted.

Next Meeting

Tuesday, March 14th at 6:00 PM will be the next meeting. We will talk about getting community together.

Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen Kahn