GSPOA Board Meeting Minutes
May 18, 2023 5pm
Call to Order – Glenn Ullmann, President
Glenn Ullmann called the meeting to order at 5:03pm.
Roll Call – Jamie Moran, Director
Present: Glenn Ullmann, Greg Ferrin, Bette Crowder, John Murphy, Ellen Kahn, Jamie Moran
Absent: Alex Ingols
1. Approved April 11, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve the April 11, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes Bette Crowder, 2ND Jamie Moran. All in Favor. Motion Carries.
2. Finance Report by Bette Crowder, Treasurer
The Water Reserve Account and General Maintenance Account figures are correct (21,544.64 and 10,000) and 29,148.67 in General operating checking account. totaling 60,703.31. These figures are showing in CCM accounting but as yet, the new money market account is still pending at Wells Fargo for the Gen Maint & Road Reserve.
3. POA Collaborative Meeting on May 8th
Bette Crowder attended POA Collaborative
- 125 POAs in Cashiers Area.
- They meet monthly, dates and topics below.
Dates available here
June 12 - architectural guidelines and landscaping requirements
July 12 – Accounting Firms in area
Aug 14 – Attorney to discuss new NC laws pertaining to HOAs, POAs and security
Sept 11 – Update from Vision Cashiers
Bette Crowder left meeting after report.
4. Governance (John Murphy)
A. Covenants and By-Laws Update
Membership in POA is clearly defined as having the Declarants (Covenants) on the property (signed consent). Lot owners who are not members are still financially responsible for maintenance of commonly held assets (water system) and road/common areas; they do not have the rights of governance that members have (voting, holding board positions)
Impact Fees – are these applicable to lot owners who are not members? Need clarity from Bill Cannon on this too. The roads are common areas that would be impacted by the development of a lot that was not a member.
Share out to the community once we have these questions answered and the documents updated.
B. Review of Suggested Fee Structure – Jamie Moran
New Homes on Undeveloped Lots:
$15,000 Infrastructure fee for new
Additions to Current Homes:
$1.50 per square foot over 100 square feet additions
New Homes on Unimproved Lots
$15,000 Infrastructure fee for new
New Structures on an Improved Lot
This would include the building of a new free standing structure on a lot that is improved, i.e. guest houses, garages, etc.
$1.50 per square foot over the first 100 square feet
Renovations or New Additions to Existing Structure on an Improved Lot
If a Permit is pulled:
1. Renovation to an existing structure and/or any other buildings on an improved lot. $2.00 per square foot over the first 100 square feet
2. Addition to an existing structure on an improved lot, $1.50 per square foot over the first 100 square feet.
3. Any renovation or new addition less than 100 square feet, no impact fee
Suggested that is that If NO permit is pulled lot owners donate to the Road Fund for the following work:
Any project that requires dumpsters and/or trucks to bring in heavy equipment in more than one round trip shall pay an impact fee specifically for roads. For example, a new roof, replacing siding, landscaping projects, may require a dumpster. $200
Discussion: Review again via email and update and bring to the Annual Meeting.
C. ARC Committee
Documentation of committee meetings and decisions need to be in meeting minutes and stored on the website.
Make sure we have a record of the decisions.
5. Infrastructure – Alex/Glenn
Follow up on walk about with Environmental Inc.
- what that huge bunker is, and where the water is going through it, and how we would ever turn the water off out of that.
- Define what valves need to be replaced
- Radio transmitters failed again – lighting may be a factor – explore another solution
Alex and Environmental have been filling manually
Do we need to budget for this type of failure?
Tree Down across from Gana Sita sign
- Alex had his crew chop it up and take it up to his house
- Thank you!
- In future work like this is needed and Alex’s crew does it GSPOA should reimburse the cost
6. Board Renewal Vote
The Board was approved as a whole by vote of the association.
Need a motion to ratify the slate of Board of Directors at the annual meeting.
Jamie Moran and Ellen Kahn to figure out how to write the motion.
7. Rybert Development (Jamie Moran)
What do we want Rybert to change?
- Less dense
- Larger buffer along Monte Vista to protect country road effect
- Gate for Gana Sita
- Call for true conservancy for the 11 acres for waste water management
- Access to the water and highspeed internet
Legal Representation
- Exploring this with Develop Cashiers Responsibly and other entities with standing
TIA Study
- Community sponsored TIA study while in season
8. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn at 6:14 pm at Jamie Moran, second Glenn Ullmann. All in Favor.
Motion Carries.
Submitted by Jamie Moran