Gana Sita POA August President’s Letter
Dear All,
Your Board met on Tuesday, 8 August for our monthly meeting. The experience of meeting in person (as we did for the annual meeting in July) is so lovely and productive, especially when preceded by three years of doing everything remote.
Water: Our 107 well has been experiencing all matters of issues which both Alex and Environmental have been diligently working through. Before the new sensors can be installed, Duke must upgrade the service to the power poll (which has been hit by lightning so many times it has fried the circuits—leading to frequent blackouts to the pump house). In addition, there have been fixes to leaks inside the pump house (PH balancing chemicals pump).
You know from our discussion at the annual meeting, our dependence on one well with old plumbing and hardware keeps me up at night. Lisa and I hired a hydro geologist to make a complete survey of our home, Gana Sita and adjacent properties to determine where drilling another well might make sense. I have that report which is fascinating and would be glad to share if you have interest (just email or call me). The bottom line is that being on the top of a mountain makes it harder to find water than being in the valley, but we do have options both individually and as a community.
Covenants and Bylaws: John Murphy has received comments and suggestions from several of you. Those comments, where applicable, are being adopted. Some of the comments needed attorney review so John has forwarded those to Bill Cannon and his associate Tiffany Yates. We hope to have another draft out by Labor Day. FYI—Bill Cannon is retiring so Tiffany will be helping us going forward (although Bill said he would be available if the community was interested in a town meeting). After three years and well over $22,000 in legal fees, we are hopeful that we are getting closer to a new set of governing documents. Once the new drafts are available, one of us will reach out to you directly.
Finance: Our reserves should be able to get us through the year, even with the sensor replacement and water/pump issues. Bette is leading us through a second half 2023 exercise to think strategically about what we will need over the next five years. Some are needs (water and roads) while others are aspirational (intended to make our community safer and more appealing—new signs, electronic gate limiting access to our community). If you have thoughts, we would like to hear them.
DCR/Rybert Development: DCR is fast developing a game plan to mitigate the Rybert development. Legal, transportation and water experts are in place. Stay tuned and expect that the entire community (not just Gana Sita POA) will be asked to raise funds to protect our rights, community and natural resources.
Leaf Turning Social: Let us know if anyone would be interested in hosting a fall social event at their home. Thinking first couple of weeks in October.
As always, you have my phone number (904-612-6259) and my email or just knock on the door (60 Watch Hill Lane).
The NEW Gana Sita directory is HERE.
Please contact Cedar Creek Management with any changes.