Gana Sita Property Owners Association

Approved by Board at Feb 19th Meeting

Board of Directors 1st Meeting Minutes, January 22nd, 4:00PM

This meeting was called to order by Glenn Ullmann on Zoom. Present also were John Murphy, Bette Crowder, Alex Ingols, Greg Ferrin, Jamie Moran, and Ellen Kahn. Glenn asked for everyone to introduce and tell a little about themselves.

Election of Officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer (Secretary or  Treasurer can also be the VP). 

President: Glenn Ullmann

Secretary: Ellen Kahn with support from Greg Ferrin and Jamie Moran

Treasurer: Bette Crowder

Vice-President: Alex Ingols

Webmaster: Jamie Moran, backup Greg Ferrin

Jamie moves to appoint the slate of Board members as presented:

Glenn Ullmann, President, Alex Ingols, Vice President, Ellen Kahn, Secretary, Bette Crowder, Treasurer.

Glenn Ullmann seconds.

All in favor say Aye

All opposed say No

Motion Carries

This meeting was called to order by Glenn Ullmann on Zoom. Present also were John Murphy, Bette Crowder, Alex Ingols, Greg Ferrin, Jamie Moran, and Ellen Kahn. Glenn asked for everyone to introduce and tell a little about themselves.

Elections of Officers went as follows:

        Glenn Ullmann-——President

        Alex Ingols—-—----Vice President

        Ellen Kahn---------Secretary

        Bette Crowder-—--Treasurer

Jamie wanted to be webmaster. Greg was asked for his interest, and he said he'd help Jamie.

Jamie motioned to accept the slate as presented, and motion carried.

Board meetings will include announcements and Documents, agenda prepared by the President, secretary last minutes, treasurer reports and budget, and VP other.

Jamie said Treasurer should get with Marvetta on budget, and provide CC (Cedar Creek) with info for invoices, and follow up. No 2nd approval needed for line items, but need 3rd OK for where to get the money. CC will confirm by follow up of approval of invoices. They usually supervise large items. Alex said he would be 2nd set of eyes on that.

John asked if they sub out work, does CC make sure they have insurance info. Yes, they do.

Glenn will write a Letter to the neighborhood to include office holders as well as other things.The Board will be picking up from where the last Board left off, and Glenn plans to keep communications very open for all. He has a specific role to get with Bill Cannon (our lawyer) regarding data we need. He will call him.

Jamie was asked how to record and have closed captioning for this meeting, and she explained to go into Zoom and see the different ways it presents, select recording, and send out a link with closed captioning. Glenn will do that for Ellen.

There was an annual meeting recap and discussion. Great to see so much involvement, even Monohan whom most met for the first time. All of us are interested in presenting values with great communication, and solving some of the problems. Bill Cannon can definitely be an asset to us with Covenants and By-Laws. Great opportunity to take prior Board work forward, making sure the community is involved with questions, answers, and getting correct verbiage with Bill Cannon.

Bette asked when the votes on Covenants and By-Laws were to be in. January 21st. It was decided that the new Board secretary should count votes with CC. Ellen will validate with them.

Group email will include all seven Board members, to be used for anything we want all 7 of us to see.  We can change to group text setting later if we wish.

Bette asked how community would find out. Jamie said CC has constant contact for us as part of what we pay them for, so they could do that. Bette suggested talley be included in the President's Letter being sent out. It was decided it was more personal to include that.

Jamie said that Ellen had said that it was not really clear that we were not all working under the same covenants. Problem seems to be "Titling of the deed." Ellen said because we need to bill, she explained that there are only three families, (she thinks) not "signed in." Glenn said let's get data and facts right, and we'll all communicate. Deeds are very different. He'll get with Bill Cannon and do a Zoom with some of us, if we wish to be involved. Title search may be needed. We will bill like we always have.

CC needs to be triggered to invoice based on the new budget. Bette will do that.



Documents direct that it must have Past President and 2 others. Glenn will call Bill and Lenny. If they don't want to, it will be Jamie, John, and Greg.


After a discussion of what was included in finance, it was decided to postpone till later. Glenn thought of it more as a planning committee. Capital improvements, roads, drainage, piping, etc., need to be included. Maybe we would need to borrow money.


Glenn said members need to be robust, interested, data-gathering vehicle. Glenn would like work done in next 5 months. Bill Cannon should be involved and have answered questions. John and Ellen will do this.    Glenn- "Let's make sure we need a title search before we spend the money to do a title search." We want to lead with the data. Jamie volunteered also. If cost is associated with this there may have to be an assessment, as it is not in the budget. John agreed to chair as he has some background. Jamie suggested John get with Suzanne for info and intro to Bill Cannon. John will reach out to Suzanne, and ask her if she'd like to be on the committee. (Glenn wants John to mention the Board wanted her to be involved unanimously, and Susan will be added to that request.) Glenn will help with what's needed. {Glenn said it is JEJ, and what is that called? Professor Greg said "a PALINDROME." Go Greg!!}

John asked if there were lawyer opinions, and Jamie said there is from Jeff Goss. Greg said it was important to know the rules.

It was suggested that when Bette gets together how the invoices should go, that she circulate it with us for a second set of eyes. It was asked if anyone needs a payment plan, how to do that. Jamie said for Bette to get with CC, and for the invoices to say to call Bette if needed.

FUN (then Jamie asked for it to be the HOSPITALITY Committee)

There was a Gana Sita T-shirt discussion. Bette will check into places we can gather. Ellen will help Bette.


Glenn asked Alex to chair. John said he'd support him. The President's Letter will invite the community. Water will be with Road. Alex will check on prices. Glenn said water is a substructure that maintains our property values. So water should be with this. John said we should put money into the plan for the future. The well could go out tomorrow, and we will need to re-do the road, so we need a plan. Bryant Plumbing has been here transferring the info the Environmental Inc.

Continuing Finance committee discussion,

Bette said to put Long-Range planning with Finance when that's formed. We don't know what the developers are going to do. Alex said putting projected costs together would be good, for what we might need (generator, pump, etc.), and what we are willing to spend for where we are headed. He keeps his pond heater running from his house to keep the tank from freezing. To expand and upgrade the tank area was estimated approximately $80K years ago. A discussion was interjected that led to the decision to call our current well the "107 Well." Glenn suggested there may be "out of the box" solutions. Alex said we want to keep the water system functional, number one, and then to undeveloped lots. Glenn asked if we could have another well that just goes to undeveloped lots. Alex said yes, but could be expensive. Ours now is a Non-transient, non-community water system. Alex said maybe we could go deeper or frack at the tank well. Alex will start looking into it. It was asked how to invite for Infrastructure committee. Glenn's letter will suggest they contact Alex.

Glenn suggested for each committee chair to be able to say "This is what we are working on" when we get back together in a month. Have the data start to flow in. Keep ourselves accountable with a plan for what we are accomplishing now.

Communication Strategy

Best way to communicate with the Board internally was decided to be email. If something would be important or urgent to go out to the Board, please use the email above. Bette would like the people notified when there will be  a Board meeting, and to contact one of us so that what they would like can be discussed. If it is necessary to only go to one of us, fine. Ellen will send out email when the next Board meeting is (date/time), and to let us know if the community has any issues.  Greg said having everything available on the website is great.

Tenures for the Board were brought up. Helps to not start over every year. There are no directives for that in the By-Laws. Normally, core people have just stayed, and others have rolled off. We could add President as advisory. Bette said send suggestions to John for term directive ideas.

Bette suggested we should leave this Board on for 18 months to 2024 meeting for continuity. Jamie said she thought the Board needs to prove trust. Glenn said if we communicate well and we have get-togethers maybe it would be good for the community to re-anoint the same Board. By-Laws keep us from adding more people on the Board. Board serves the community and maybe we should say "Yes, we are entitled to longer, but to get things back on the normal schedule, we are going to put ourselves out to an early election to make sure you are still happy." It could be a different approach, as we are all pulling together. John suggested for some to be voted in for 18 months, others a year, maybe rotation, and what do we need for state regulations? Jamie said she thinks that is in the proposed Covenants.

Ellen asked how we get old records. Glenn will scan and digitize, if needed, for Jamie to put on the website. Glenn will be here Sunday 29th, to maybe the 1st. Alex offered for us to utilize his office if we wanted to be together for the meeting.

Proposed Next Board Meeting: 1:00, Sunday Feb. 19th.

Meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by Ellen Kahn